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EQT AB (0AAZ LSE) stock market data APIs

kr322.6 0(0%) as of September 11, 2024
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EQT AB (publ) is a global private equity firm specializing in private capital and real asset segments. The firm seeks to invest in seed, startup, turnaround, middle market, mature, mid venture, late venture companies. The firm seeks to invest through growth, buyout and recapitalization in companies. The firm prefers to invest in financial services, engineering services, healthcare, IT services & software, business services, consumer, advanced manufacturing sectors, education, consumer goods, energy, oil and gas, commercial printing, diversified support services, environmental and facilities services, office services and supplies, automobile manufacturers, motorcycle manufacturers, consumer electronics, home furnishings, homebuilding, household appliances, housewares and specialties, leisure products, textiles, apparel and luxury goods, medical equipment, medical instruments, communications equipment, communication services, and security and alarm services, industrials and TMT sectors. It owns portfolio companies and assets in Europe, Asia-Pacific and the North America with focus in Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Belgium, Wallonia, Luxembourg, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia region. The firm typically invests between "5 million ($6.05 million) and "1.6 billion ($1,734 million) in companies with enterprise value between "27.79 million ($30 million) to "300 million ($328.04 million). The firm prefers to take minority or majority positions. EQT AB (publ) was founded in 1994 and is based in Stockholm, Sweden with additional offices in Europe, North America, and Asia.

EQT AB Financial Data Overview

2 200 M
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General: {
Code: '0AAZ',
Type: 'Common Stock',
Name: 'EQT AB',
Exchange: 'LSE',
CurrencyCode: 'SEK',
CurrencyName: 'Swedish krone',
CurrencySymbol: 'kr',
CountryName: 'UK',
CountryISO: 'GB',
OpenFigi: NULL,
EmployerIdNumber: NULL,
FiscalYearEnd: 'December',
InternationalDomestic: NULL,
Sector: '',
Industry: '',

EQT AB Fundamental Data is available in our Financial Data APIs

  • Net Revenue 2 200 M
  • EBITDA 1 137 M
  • Earnings Per Share
  • Income Statements
  • Balance Sheets
  • Cash flows
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of Fundamental API Data

Get EQT AB Earnings via APIs

  • Latest Release 2024-07-18
  • EPS/Forecast NaN

Get EQT AB End-of-day Data via APIs

  • End of Day, Intraday and Live APIs
  • Splits
  • Dividends
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