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Thermogenesis Holdings Inc (THMO NASDAQ) stock market data APIs

$0.15 -0.11(-42.5%) as of September 13, 2024
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ThermoGenesis Holdings, Inc. develops, commercializes, and markets a range of automated technologies for cell-banking, cell-processing, and cell-based therapeutics in the United States, China, the United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, and internationally. The company provides medical device products for automated cell processing. Its clinical bio-banking applications include AXP II Automated Cell Separation System, an automated fully closed cell separation system for isolating stem and progenitor cells from umbilical cord blood; and BioArchive Automated Cryopreservation System, an automated, robotic, liquid nitrogen controlled-rate-freezing and cryogenic storage system for cord blood samples and cell therapeutic products used in clinical applications. The company's point-of-care applications include XP Point-of-Care System, an automated, fully closed, sterile system that allows for the rapid and automated processing of autologous peripheral blood or bone marrow aspirate derived stem cells at the point-of-care, such as surgical centers or clinics; and PXP-1000 System, an automated, fully closed system that provides fast, reproducible separation of multiple cellular components from blood with minimal red blood cell contamination. Its cell processing products comprise X-Series products for general laboratory use, such as X-Lab for cell isolation, X-Wash System for cell washing and reformulation, and X-Mini for high efficiency small scale cell purification. The company also provides contract development and manufacturing services for cell and cell-based gene therapies. It markets and sells its medical device products through independent distributors, as well as direct to end-user customers. The company was formerly known as Cesca Therapeutics Inc. and changed its name to ThermoGenesis Holdings, Inc. in November 2019. ThermoGenesis Holdings, Inc. was incorporated in 1986 and is headquartered in Rancho Cordova, California.

Thermogenesis Holdings Inc Financial Data Overview

4 120 K
15 848 K
9 610 K
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General: {
Code: 'THMO',
Type: 'Common Stock',
Name: 'Thermogenesis Holdings Inc',
Exchange: 'NASDAQ',
CurrencyCode: 'USD',
CurrencyName: 'US Dollar',
CurrencySymbol: '$',
CountryName: 'USA',
CountryISO: 'US',
OpenFigi: 'BBG000BMXK98',
CIK: '811212',
EmployerIdNumber: NULL,
FiscalYearEnd: 'December',
IPODate: '1995-08-18',
InternationalDomestic: NULL,
Sector: 'Healthcare',
Industry: 'Medical Devices',
HomeCategory: 'Domestic',
IsDelisted: false,

Thermogenesis Holdings Inc Fundamental Data is available in our Financial Data APIs

  • Net Revenue 9 610 K
  • EBITDA -4 872 000
  • Earnings Per Share -3.98
  • Income Statements
  • Balance Sheets
  • Cash flows
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Get Thermogenesis Holdings Inc Earnings via APIs

  • Latest Release 2024-09-16
  • EPS/Forecast 0.02

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