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PCL Inc (241820 KQ) stock market data APIs
PCL Inc Financial Data Overview
PCL, Inc. provides multiplex in vitro diagnostic (IVD) products and platform services. The company offers HiSU solution, an automated multi-immune diagnostic system that performs various diagnostics, high-speed tests including blood screening, multiple cancer screening, autoimmune testing, etc. It also provides antigen and antibody diagnostic kits, including PCLOK II anti-HIV/HCV/syphilis, and PCLOK II HBsAg/HIV p24. In addition, the company offers platform services, such as SG ID for identifying novel target substances. Further, it offers covid-19 solutions, such as PCLMD nCoV one step RT-PCR, PCL COVID19 speed RTPCR, PCLMD ABC multi RTPCR molecular diagnostic kits; PCL COVID19 Ag rapid FIA, and PCL COVID19 Ag gold antigen diagnostic kits; and PCL COVID19 IgG/IgM rapid gold, and PCL COVID19 total Ab EIA antibody diagnostic kits. PCL, Inc. was incorporated in 2008 and is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea.
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Get PCL Inc Fundamental Data
PCL Inc Fundamental data includes:
- Net Revenue: 7 830 M
- EBITDA: -12 340 179 968
- Earnings Per Share: 0
- Income Statements
- Balance Sheets
- Cash flows
Plans with Fundamental data
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End-of-day & Earnings data
What’s included:
- Latest Release: 2024-09-30
- EPS/Forecast: NaN
What’s included:
- End of Day, Intraday and Live APIs
- Splits
- Dividends
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- Flexibility: No long-term commitments, just a minimum of one month
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- Price stability: Locked-in rates for subscribed users, never changing
What’s included:
- API Calls per Day: 100 000/day
- API Requests per Min.: 1000/minute
- Type of Usage: Personal use
Data access:
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