40 000 PNG

With transparency

200 x 200 px

picture size

US stocks

and 60+ more exchanges

Constant updates

via API

Boost your project with logo collection

Biggest logo collection yet?

Covering 40 000 companies from 60+ exchanges, this is one of the largest collections available, potentially a game-changer for your project.

Stock market logos API

The endpoint provides a convenient way to retrieve the logo image for a specified stock exchange ticker symbol. This endpoint is particularly useful for applications that display stock information and wish to include the corresponding company logos. Get the API.

Most up to date data & logo

We take great care of our fundamental data. Since initial data from the stock market constantly changes, we ensure to provide you with updated information, including our logo database.

Fundamental data API

Access to our logo collection can be found in our Fundamental Data API, which offers dozens of data fields related to stock companies, including logos. You can read more about our Fundamental Data API here.

Stock market logos API

A unique collection that is easy to implement into any project via API. The full list of exchanges and available tickers can be found in the API's documentation. Get the API.

Full API documentation

Questions & Answers

Feel free to ask us anything related to our service & subsciption plans in live chat.
You'll only find real assistants on the other end.

In order to gain access to a huge database of logos (40,000), we recommend purchasing an API plan, which costs $299 per year. You can do so in our marketplace here.
We do not provide updates for one-time download packages. However, with our Fundamental Data API, your data will always be up-to-date, including logos.
One time download price could be discussed with our support team.
  • Stocks: EODHD covers US and non-US exchanges. Major US market tickers (11 000 symbols) and large-cap non-US companies have 30+ years of data, while minor companies have 10 years (40 quarters) of data with ongoing updates.
  • Funds: 20 000 US Funds. Our database has equity funds as well as balanced and bond-based mutual funds.
  • ETFs: more than 10 000 ETFs from different exchanges and countries.
  • Index Constituents (or Index Components): for all major indices all around the world.

Please note: Not all companies report complete financial data, so it cannot be guaranteed that every company will have all available data points filled with data.

EODHD offers dozens of other APIs to access tools and data such as Real-Time, Historical, Intraday, Screener, End-of-day, and many more. Visit our main site.