This Spring we opened a new Economic Data API. And today we are publishing Government Bonds data. For the moment, we provide ‘Government Bond 10 Year’ data for more than 15 countries all over the world. The full list of available government bonds available via ‘Exchange Symbols API‘, please use the ‘GBOND’ exchange code to get it. The government bonds data is daily and available for the past 5+ years. And later this summer we are going to add more periods for government bonds and country coverage. Below you can find the list of currently supported countries, do not forget to add the exchange code ‘.GBOND’: AU10YAustralia Government Bond 10YBR10YBrazil Government Bond 10YCA10YCanada Government Bond 10YDE10YGermany Government Bond 10YES10YSpain Government Bond 10YFR10YFrance Government Bond 10YGR10YGreece Government Bond 10YIN10YIndia Government Bond 10YIT10YItaly Government Bond 10YJP10YJapan Government Bond 10YMX10YMexico Government Bond 10YNL10YNetherlands Government Bond 10YNZ10YNew Zealand Government Bond 10YPT10YPortugal Government Bond 10YSW10YSwitzerland Government Bond 10YUK10YUnited Kingdom Government Bond 10YUS10YUnited States Government Bond 10Y More information about Economic Data API with examples you can find in our documentation.