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Thien Nam Trading Import Export Corp (TNA VN) stock market data APIs
Thien Nam Trading - Import Export Joint Stock Company operates in the iron and steel, real estate, food distribution, electronics distribution, and education investment businesses in Vietnam. It supplies steel wire rods, steel sheets, high performance structural steel, special and section steel, prestressed steel, and welding materials for steel, energy, infrastructure, oil and gas market, construction, and shipbuilding industries. The company also invests in and leases premises and office buildings; distributes food and electronic products; and provides education services. Thien Nam Trading - Import Export Joint Stock Company is based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Thien Nam Trading Import Export Corp Financial Data Overview
3770 | |
4000 | |
- | |
4100 | |
3770 | |
3770-6750 | |
0 | |
0 | |
2 402 188 M | |
-433.0178 | |
0.442 |
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Thien Nam Trading Import Export Corp Fundamental Data is available in our Financial Data APIs
- Net Revenue 2 402 188 M
- EBITDA 28 542 M
- Earnings Per Share
- Income Statements
- Balance Sheets
- Cash flows
of Fundamental API Data
Get Thien Nam Trading Import Export Corp Earnings via APIs
- Latest Release 2024-06-30
- EPS/Forecast NaN
Get Thien Nam Trading Import Export Corp End-of-day Data via APIs
- End of Day, Intraday and Live APIs
- Splits
- Dividends
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