We are looking for partners to grow marketplace

In 2017, we started from scratch and since that time grew our sales tremendously, adding different data products, varying geographically and in time. Now we would like to invite our clients making financial data products / investment tools (charts; trackers, technical indicators/analysis etc.) to join our marketplace to realize sales together and bring value for investors. How this decision will be profitable for you:

Your company will attract additional sales to your product

We have more than 10 000+ clients paying us on a long-term basis, and we know how to promote financial data products and perform profitable business with private investors and companies. We agree with you on commercial conditions individually and you will fully automate sales with EOD data marketplace. We promote your product, bring customers, make sales, create API connection to extract data from your server and report to you. In return we get commission from the final price, while our partners focus on their business activities with no extra costs.

Make a meaningful offer to the market

We have different types of clients (retail and corporate investors, startups), thus we can pack your product taking into consideration their specific needs, while you enjoy differential pricing and new sales channel working on your income.

Easy data delivery

Thanks to API technology, we will transmit data and your investment tools to clients in seconds. It will stimulate quick access to your product integration in EOD API Marketplace as well as quick results to our clients.

Are you ready for the new chapter of your business?

Join EOD APIs Marketplace! Send an email to support@eodhistoricaldata.com using “Financial APIs Marketplace partnership” as subject.