Disclaimer: The product do not constitute financial advice or investment recommendations. We do not offer personalized investment guidance, and the use of these signals is solely at the discretion and responsibility of the user. Trading involves risk, and users should carefully evaluate their own financial situation before engaging in any trades. We are not liable for any losses or damages resulting from the use of our services.

illio Market Insights provides a high level bucketed and banded view of any Market or ETF enabling users to rapidly understand what and how market constituents are moving. Its the ideal companion for traders or researchers who are looking for a quick way to sift through market datasets to find new ideas to trade or enrich their research articles.

Using illio Market Insights, a user can select from a wide range of Indices or ETFs and view bucketed and individual constituent level metrics such as:

  • Performance related metrics to understand how constituents are moving relative to the index to understand the breadth and depth of moves in the headline Index or ETF
  • Individual and bucketed
  • Largest single day moves to help understand potential future moves for constituents
  • Volatility for every constituent name and how it has changed over the last year (increasing or decreasing and by how much)
  • Individual and bucketed
  • Constituent beta versus the Index or ETF with bucketing for easy reference
  • Individual and bucketed
  • Risk return ratios across all constituents to highlight names that have the highest risk-adjusted return


Illio also has available a simple and intuitive user interface that illustrates market insights to quickly highlight the pertinent ideas.


  1. illio Market Insights

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