To ensure the stability of our data servers and provide all users with equal service quality, we have implemented an “API calls system,” which functions as a currency for each API request. This system includes two types of limits: the Minute Request Limit and the Daily Call Limit.
IMPORTANT. For our subscription plans we reset the daily limit on midnight GMT time. However, we do not reset the counter itself, the counter will be reset on any API request right after midnight GMT time. Before that, the counter shows the number of API requests on the last active day. For marketplace products, we reset the daily limit 24 hours after the first request. This means that the first request creates a 24-hour window during which the daily call limit applies.
You can check the status of EODHD service here.
Quick jump:
Daily API Limit (calls)
An API request is not the same as an API call; API calls are a form of “currency” used to make requests. Requests for different data consume a different number of API calls. For example, Fundamental data request costs 10 API calls, while Live data request for 1 ticker costs 1 API call.
- The daily limit is set by default to 100,000 API calls per user for every paid plan or marketplace product.
- Each request to Technical API, Intraday API and News API consumes 5 API calls.
- Each request to Fundamental API, Options API, and Bond Fundamentals API consumes 10 API calls.
- Each Marketplace product consumes 10 API calls (unless otherwise stated in the documentation).
- Each symbol request costs 1 API call (applicable to APIs whose requests costs 1 API call). For example, a Live API multiple tickers request with 10 symbols costs 10 API calls.
- The same logic works for any multiple tickers API endpoints.
- Any Bulk API for the entire exchange request costs 100 API calls for the entire exchange. And 100 API calls + N API calls in case of request of Bulk API with ‘symbols’ parameter, where N = the number of symbols.
Current API call consumption could be checked in user dashboard.
Daily Limit Increase
To increase the API call daily limit (100,000 by default) for a subscription plan, navigate to the “Daily Usage” section in the dashboard and select the “Increase Daily Limit” option. Here, you can view the price of the upgrade and submit a request to our support team with your order:

Currently, we don’t offer an option to increase the daily limit for marketplace products. If you have a specific case, please contact our support team.
Feel free to chat with our support, if you have any questions.
Minute Limit (requests)
Minute request limit (not API calls) means that API is restricted to no more than 1000 requests per minute. It’s easy to check this limit with headers you get with every request:
- X-RateLimit-Limit: 1000
- X-RateLimit-Remaining: 998
It is advisable to spread out the requests more or less evenly throughout the minute, without making them go off all at once, to avoid getting a “Too Many Requests” error.
Extra API Calls
You can purchase additional API calls, which will only be used once your daily API limit is exhausted, functioning as a buffer. These additional API calls do not expire and can be accumulated by purchasing more as needed. To buy extra calls, find the form titled ‘Buy Extra API Calls’ on your dashboard page.

Please note that additional API calls will not increase your daily limit, but instead provide a buffer for usage when you run out of your daily calls. If you would like to increase your daily limit, please contact support:
API Usage Statistics
To check your account’s usage statistics go to
To adjust the view of your API usage chart, you can select the period and type of API requests. The number displayed on the chart indicates how many times you have called the API.
To calculate how this has impacted your API limit, you need to multiply the number of calls by the cost per API request. For example, each intraday API call consumes 5 limit units (you can check the cost of each call on the documentation page for that particular API).