Recently we’ve started to publish Alternative Financial Data APIs in addition to Fundamental and prices APIs. And we are happy to announce publishing our new Sentiment Data API which is also part of the Alternative Data API. With the Sentiment Data API we have now 4 different API endpoints for…
We are happy to announce our new google sheets financial add-in for End Of Day (EOD), Intraday, and Fundamental data downloading directly into your sheets. If you are not familiar with any programming languages, it’s one of the best ways to use the financial data with our APIs. More information…
We are happy to announce that we’ve launched our own Financial Academy. We already have videos and articles on how to use the financial data and our APIs for beginners and users who are not aware of APIs. We just started it and soon there will be more useful videos.…
Happy New 2022 Year! We decided to publish our numbers for the 2021 year. Looks impressive and we have much more ambitious plans for next year!
Today, we are happy to announce our new Economic Events Calendar API. The Economic Events API is part of the Fundamental API and is accessible under the Fundamental Data Feed subscription. Additionally, there is a standalone package Financial Events and News Feed API including same Calendar API. The API provides past…
Several months ago we published our Financial News API and got a lot of positive feedback. Inspired, we continued to develop this API endpoint and today we published several new data feeds for the Financial News API. With the current news data feeds we added the support for: All news…
We are happy to announce the Excel Add-In for easy downloading our End Of Day and Fundamental data directly into your Excel. The Add-In includes downloading the data via End of day API with charts autogeneration, downloading the data via Fundamental API directly into your Excel file, and ticker search…
We are happy to announce that we are testing the real-time data with a 50ms delay right now. The real-time API is in alpha now and will be fully available within the next 2-3 weeks. Our real-time API will provide the data for US stocks, FOREX, and Cryptocurrencies exchanges via…
We are happy to announce a partnership and integration with XLQ2 from QMatix. XLQ2 is a stand-alone C++ application, which delivers live, intraday, and historic market and fundamental data from multiple data sources. Check more details about the integration on XLQ2 – EODHistoricalData page. And with this announce QMatix provides…
Today we published a standalone API for Insider Transactions. The data is available for all US companies that report Form 4. Insider trading involves trading in a public company’s stock by someone who has non-public, material information about that stock for any reason. Recently we’ve added this data as a part of…