The S&P 500 or just the S&P (also known as GSPC or $SPX index) is a stock market index that measures the stock performance of 500 large companies listed on stock exchanges in the United States. However, this index is very important for all investors and traders all around the world. We already added several months ago index constituents for almost all major indices. And we understand how it’s important to have historical constituents data for survivorship bias or survival bias stock analysis. That’s why this week we added historical constituents data for the S&P 500.

The historical constituents data for S&P 500 is available from January 2000 (18+ years). We counted more than 200 changes for these years and it’s more than 90,000 rows of data, just of one index. The new data is provided under our ‘Fundamentals’ package, and it’s easy to use it. We offer the following data for index components:

  • Code, exchange and the name of the ticker.
  • Sector and industry.

Below you can find an example of the output of historical constituents for S&P 500 (GSPC.INDX)

For more details on Fundamentals API, please read our documentation for this endpoint.


  1. Itay Ben Dan

    The data you have is outdated, The last constituents (Tickers) removed are (‘AVP’, ‘2020-01-03’),
    (‘WCG’, ‘2020-01-23’),
    (‘FII’, ‘2020-01-31’)

  2. Holly R

    I need a specific list of data from the S&P 500 2007 company list. Is it possible for you to provide me with this?