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You often ask us how to calculate the different financial scores, like Altman Z-Score or Piotrovsky score, with our Fundamental Data API. For simple technical indicators like RSI, EMA/SMA, MACD, Stochastic, and others, we have a special Technical API endpoint. But fundamental scores are much more complex and usually, articles…
We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! And as a small gift, we are happy to introduce Matlab Connector for our API. The usage is very user-friendly, as explained in our documentation for Matlab Connector with examples. Example for Live/Delayed Prices >> data = EODML('prices', 'symbol','AAPL', 'datatype','live') data…
Today we have updated our Excel/VBA example for Fundamentals data feed with JSON output. The first time we had published the version of this Excel file around a year ago, but the latest versions of Excel 2019 does not work correctly with VBA-JSON library we use and now we updated…
One of our subscribers, Matthew Metzger, recently created a python code which works with EOD Historical Data API: Stock Data Seeder. We are happy to publish this post and share this code with our subscribers. Stock Data Seeder is a tool for getting basic stock data and historical stock daily…
One of our subscribers, Russel Brown, wrote the Java example and kindly offered it to those our subscribers who use the JAVA for stock data API. You can download the code here: EODHistoricalDataDownloader.java or on our documentation page with other Java examples. Below we provide more details on the code…