Welcome to forum.eodhd.com

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new forum. Our community is rapidly expanding, and the forum serves as its new hub. This platform will provide a unique opportunity for EODHD users to directly engage with our team, including traders and analysts who contribute articles and tutorials (and those guys are very smart). More importantly, it fosters connections among you, which have the potential to evolve into significant ventures. We have a feeling this forum will be the birthplace of several new startups soon 😉

We encourage you to ask any questions, whether you’re a trading and coding novice or a seasoned analyst willing to assist others. Please remember to maintain politeness, respect differing opinions, and refrain from spamming the forum (we have auto detection system and further ban) 😊

Registration on the forum works through our EODHD website. So if you are already an active EODHD user, the forum is at your service. Otherwise, feel free to register (it’s free).