Our latest infographic of stock market insights 2023, carefully crafted by EODHD APIs, provides a clear breakdown of the key players and sectors that have shaped the US market’s success this year. From the top 10 companies that propelled 50% of the S&P 500’s gains to those that experienced setbacks, we’ve captured the essence of 2023’s market performance.

As we look back on an eventful year in the financial markets, it’s impressive to see the resilience and dynamism the #S&P500 has displayed. With a stellar 24% gain since January, the markets remind us of the potential for growth amidst global challenges.

Leading the charge, the technology sector has proven its worth by driving the entire market forward. Meanwhile, healthcare and finance are sectors with untapped potential, poised for future growth.

infographic of stock market insights 2023

Despite the headwinds from persistent COVID-19 impacts, the market cap’s narrative is one of triumph and resilience.

Whether you’re an investor, analyst, or simply interested in market dynamics, these insights from EODHD APIs offer a clear perspective on the trends and shifts that have defined the financial landscape over the past year.

And soon there will be Part II of our stock market insights 2023, this time regarding the AI sector.

Stay Tuned!