We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! And as a small gift, we are happy to introduce Matlab Connector for our API. The usage is very user-friendly, as explained in our documentation for Matlab Connector with examples. Example for Live/Delayed Prices >> data = EODML('prices', 'symbol','AAPL', 'datatype','live') data = struct with fields: symbol: 'AAPL.US' timestamp: 1577480400 gmtoffset: 0 open: 291.12 high: 293.97 low: 288.12 close: 289.8 volume: 36566500 previousClose: 289.91 change: -0.11 change_p: -0.038 datestr_GMT: '27-Dec-2019 21:00:00' datenum_GMT: 737786.875 More details you can find in our documentation or the Undocumented Matlab website: https://UndocumentedMatlab.com/EODML/. About the Author The connector had been developed by Yair Altman. Yair Altman is a recognized Matlab expert with 30 years of experience. Yair published two textbooks on Matlab and is a member of the MathWorks advisory board. He is widely known from his UndocumentedMatlab website and contributions to public forums.
Ruerd Heeg March 9, 2020 at 2:10 pm This can also be done with urlRead command and the free JSONio plugin. See https://github.com/gllmflndn/JSONio I did this with Octave instead of Matlab. When using Octave compile the plugin with “mkoctfile –mex jsonread.c” Then use “addpath /home/login/Documents/MATLAB/JSONio” also from the Octave prompt. You can call the plugin like this: urlString = [ … “https://eodhistoricaldata.com/api/eod/AAPL.US?from=2019-01-01&to=2020-01-01” … “&api_token=&period=d&fmt=json” ]; [s, success, errorMessage] = urlread(urlString); result = jsonread(s); for i=1:size(result) adjustedClose = [ adjustedClose; result(i).adjusted_close]; # this datenum call is computationally expensive, so better use a lookup array datesClose = [ datesClose; datenum(result(i).date, 29) ]; endfor