We’ve added several new fields to ‘General’ section for almost all major US companies in our Fundamentals Data Feed. Here is a full list of added fields: Address. The registered company headquarters address.WebURL. The web URL of the main site. Phone.CIK. CIK Identification.EmployerIdNumber. Employer Identification NumberFiscalYearEnd. The name of the month of the Fiscal Year End.IPODate. The date of the IPO of the company.InternationalDomestic. The flag which indicates if a company operates on International or Domestic or Both markets. As usual, you can check a live example for AAPL.US on our documentation page: https://eodhistoricaldata.com/knowledgebase/stock-etfs-fundamental-data-feeds/ with a demo API key. Soon we’ll add much more historical fundamentals data for non-US companies. Stay tuned!