The Market Status API will return, in real-time, the current status of a market, including:
- If a market is open or closed
- When the market opens or closes next
- The current trading phase (pre-, post-trading session, etc.)
- If there is currently a holiday or irregular schedule
The "Market Status API: G20+ Markets" package covers 24 markets
Market Name | Market ID | MIC |
ASX Australian Securities Exchange | AU.ASX | XASX |
B3 - Brasil Bolsa Balcão | BR.BOVESPA | BVMF |
TMX Group | CA.XTSX | XTSX |
SIX Swiss Exchange | CH.SIX | XSWX |
Shanghai Stock Exchange | CN.SSE | XSHG |
Shenzhen Stock Exchange | CN.SZSE | XSHE |
Munich Stock Exchange | DE.MUN | XMUN |
Stuttgart Stock Exchange | DE.STU | XSTU |
Xetra | DE.XETR | XETR |
Frankfurt Stock Exchange | DE.XFRA | XFRA |
Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME Exchange) | ES.BME | BMEX |
LSE Group | GB.LSE | XLON |
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing HKEX | HK.HKEX | XHKG |
BSE India Limited | IN.BSE | XBOM |
National Stock Exchange of India Limited | IN.NSE | XNSE |
Borsa Italiana | IT.MIB | XMIL |
Japan Exchange Group | JP.JPX | XJPX |
Korea Exchange | KR.KRX | XKRX |
Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) | MX.BMV | XMEX |
Moscow Exchange | RU.MOEX | MISX |
Taiwan Stock Exchange | TW.TWSE | XTAI |
Nasdaq | US.NASDAQ | XNAS |
New York Stock Exchange | US.NYSE | XNYS |
Johannesburg Stock Exchange | ZA.JSE | XJSE |
Use this API to:
- Build dashboards
- Add countdowns or market status indicators to your website or application
- Activate trading algorithms when markets open
- Detect market holidays and half-days
Note: This API takes previously-scheduled holidays and half-days into account but does not factor in circuit breakers or halts.