Today we updated our bulk API for historical data and added splits and dividends. This API allows to easily download the data for entire exchange for a particular day. It works for end-of-day historical data feed as well as for splits and dividends data.

From today you need no to perform thousands and thousands of API requests per day. It’s not necessary anymore. We developed bulk download API endpoint, and it’s easy to download historical data any day in bulk.

Get more information on this API in our documentation.

General bulk API for EOD, Splits, and Dividends

The following example returns end-of-day data for US stocks in bulk for a particular day:{YOUR_API_KEY}

The following example returns all splits for US stocksĀ in bulk for a specific day:{YOUR_API_KEY}&type=splits

The following example returns all dividends for US stocksĀ in bulk for a particular day:{YOUR_API_KEY}&type=dividends

Get more information on this API in our documentation.


  1. Lars Nygaard

    Is it also possible to bulk download eod/splits/dividend for the entire history? So not just for one day?