R is one of the most popular programming platforms for data analysis, widely used in both academia and industry. A new version of an R library has been developed by Marcelo S. Perlin, an academic researcher and consultant. Marcelo is currently available for consultancy work in financial data research and can be reached at marceloperlin@gmail.com. We are pleased that Marcelo has taken the EODHD R Library to the next level, adding many new features.

Said that, we are excited to announce the release of eodhd2R, the second iteration of an R module that facilitates making queries to EODHD API. All code is available at Github. The features of the package are:

  • A consistent functional interface to all main api endpoints of EODHD, including:
    • dividends
    • splits
    • exchange information
    • ticker information
    • fundamentals and financial statements
    • adjusted prices
  • A local caching system that saves all API queries to the local disk, improving execution time and reducing api calls on repeated queries. This not only saves network usage, but also API quota consumption;
  • A quota management system, informing the user of how much of the API daily quota was used and how much time is left to refresh it;
  • A function for aggregating and organizing financial information into a single dataframe/table, allowing easier access to clean financial data in the wide or long format.

Read detailed documentation with installation guide and examples here.