Historical earnings (also known as EPS or Earnings Per Share) reports are very important data for all investors and traders. We do provide this data in our Fundamental API, but previously the data had been limited to the past several years only. And this week we delivered a huge update…
The S&P 500 or just the S&P (also known as GSPC or $SPX index) is a stock market index that measures the stock performance of 500 large companies listed on stock exchanges in the United States. However, this index is very important for all investors and traders all around the…
We started works on European funds data and the past week we added the end of day data for around 2000 European funds. For greater convenience, all funds are combined in one virtual exchange with code ‘EUFUND‘ – ‘Europe Fund Virtual Exchange’. This new virtual exchange is listed in our…
The past month we worked hard on improving our US fundamental data feed. We fixed gaps in quarterly and yearly data and re-calculated all data fields for Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, and Income Statement historical data starting from 2009 for all US companies from NYSE and NASDAQ. We also added…
Today we are proud to announce a big update for our Dividends Data Feed. We already provide ex-dividend date and value fields for almost all tickers we have in our dataset. However, you always ask for more information about dividend dates, for example, the payment date. Today we have added several new fields for…
Today we have updated our Excel/VBA example for Fundamentals data feed with JSON output. The first time we had published the version of this Excel file around a year ago, but the latest versions of Excel 2019 does not work correctly with VBA-JSON library we use and now we updated…
We are proud to announce our brand new search API for stocks, ETFs, mutual funds and indices. Since we have more than 120,000 tickers in our database, we clearly understand how it’s hard to find appropriate ticker even if you know the name of the company or the code. That’s…
We are excited to share with you our “Grande Collection” – 40,000 stock market logos from companies across 60+ different exchanges. It is available via our new 40 000 Stock Market Logos API or as one time .zip file download. What’s inside of API package? How to download 40000 stock…
In addition to yesterdays relatively small update for our database, today we announce a massive upgrade for almost all significant symbols for major non-US exchanges we do support now. More details on this data with examples you can find on our documentation page. This update is focused on historical financial…
We’ve added several new fields to ‘General’ section for almost all major US companies in our Fundamentals Data Feed. Here is a full list of added fields: Address. The registered company headquarters address. WebURL. The web URL of the main site. Phone. CIK. CIK Identification. EmployerIdNumber. Employer Identification Number FiscalYearEnd.…