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Sinosteel Engineering and Technology Co Ltd (000928 SHE) stock market data APIs
Sinosteel Engineering and Technology Co Ltd Financial Data Overview
Sinosteel Engineering & Technology Co., Ltd., through its subsidiary, Sinosteel Equipment & Engineering Co., Ltd., focuses on the industrial engineering and service, municipal engineering and investment, energy saving and environment protection, and high-tech businesses. The company is involved in the development, processing, and utilization of ferrous, non-ferrous, and non-metallic mining resources; and construction and operation of coal-fired, gas-fired, hydropower, wind power solar power, waste incineration, biomass, power grid projects. It also produces clean energy and reduces environmental pollution in coal chemical industry; and offers metallurgical equipment and spare parts, health & safety, environmental protection consulting services & solutions, solar film sealing technology, intelligent mobile ventilation slot dust collection technology, water-sealed tank plus ground de-dusting station, as well as green solutions covering dedusting, dust source control, as well as desulfurization and denigration for iron & steel makers. In addition, the company is involved in the metallurgy and construction engineering design, steel and construction engineering consulting, environmental engineering design, ecology construction and environmental engineering consulting, and construction and municipal public engineering general contracting services. Further, it engages in the 3D printing, integrating manufacturing, equipment research and development, and technical, as well as metal parts restore and remanufacturing, and industrial intelligent system activities. The company was formerly known as Sinosteel Jilin Carbon Co., Ltd. and changed its name to Sinosteel Engineering & Technology Co., Ltd. in September 2014. The company was founded in 1972 and is headquartered in Beijing, China. Sinosteel Engineering & Technology Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Sinosteel Corporation Limited.
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Get Sinosteel Engineering and Technology Co Ltd Fundamental Data
Sinosteel Engineering and Technology Co Ltd Fundamental data includes:
- Net Revenue: 21 820 M
- EBITDA: 1 185 M
- Earnings Per Share: 0
- Income Statements
- Balance Sheets
- Cash flows
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End-of-day & Earnings data
Get Sinosteel Engineering and Technology Co Ltd Earnings data
What’s included:
- Latest Release: 2024-10-31
- EPS/Forecast: NaN
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- End of Day, Intraday and Live APIs
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- Flexibility: No long-term commitments, just a minimum of one month
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- Price stability: Locked-in rates for subscribed users, never changing
What’s included:
- API Calls per Day: 100 000/day
- API Requests per Min.: 1000/minute
- Type of Usage: Personal use
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