Grand Pacific Petrochemical Corp (1312 TW) stock market data APIs

NT$11.1 -0.05(-0.4%)
as of January 17, 2025

Grand Pacific Petrochemical Corp Financial Data Overview

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Grand Pacific Petrochemical Corporation engages in the manufacture and sale of petrochemical and other chemical products in Taiwan. The company offers styrene monomer, an intermediate in petrochemical industry, which is used in the manufacturing of PS resin, ABS resin, styrene butadiene rubber, and unsaturated polyester; and ABS resins that are used in automobile interior parts, luggage, pipeline and valve materials, toys, and 3C products, as well as for plastic housing of IT products, such as PC monitors, modems, and scanners. It also provides PS resins that are used in the manufacturing of food containers, toys, plastic cards materials, and 3C products; and styrene acrylonitrile (SAN) resins, which are used for the case of cassettes, battery, and disposable lighters, as well as blades for electric fans and air conditioner parts. In addition, the company offers GPPC GRAMiD Polyamide 6,6, a highly-crystalline straight-chain polycondensation polymer that is used in electronic, instrumentation, machinery, automotive components, home appliances, oil pipe, precision engineering products, textile, etc., as well as in sporting goods, daily necessities, the production of medical equipment, etc. Grand Pacific Petrochemical Corporation was formerly known as Delta Petrochemical Corporation and changed its name to Grand Pacific Petrochemical Corporation in 1984. The company was incorporated in 1973 and is based in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Prev. Close 11.15
Open 11.1
Volume 4 352 K
High 11.3
Low 10.85
52 wk Range 9.79-15.8
Market Cap 13 427 M
Shares Outstanding 1 107 M
Revenue 15 923 M
EPS -0.45
Beta 0.771

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  • Net Revenue: 15 923 M
  • EBITDA: -465 097 984
  • Earnings Per Share: -1
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