- Supported exchanges /
- SHE /
- 300632.SHE
Xiamen Guang Pu Electronics Co Ltd (300632 SHE) stock market data APIs
Xiamen Guang Pu Electronics Co., Ltd. engages in the development, manufacture, and sale of LED packaging and application products in China. The company offers LED lighting products, such as flat panel, ceiling, down, and bracket lamps; smart home products; AI-IOT products, including photoelectronic sensor and IOT control modules; LED backlights; and flexible circuit boards. It also offers smart medical care and plastic surgery. Xiamen Guang Pu Electronics Co., Ltd. was founded in 1994 and is headquartered in Xiamen, China.
Xiamen Guang Pu Electronics Co Ltd Financial Data Overview
11.16 | |
11.7 | |
- | |
11.73 | |
10.95 | |
6.4374-13.63 | |
3 479 M | |
67.0588 | |
305 M | |
820 M | |
0.078 | |
0.0171 | |
0.77 |
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Xiamen Guang Pu Electronics Co Ltd Fundamental Data is available in our Financial Data APIs
- Net Revenue 820 M
- EBITDA 16 321 K
- Earnings Per Share 0.17
- Income Statements
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- Cash flows
of Fundamental API Data
Get Xiamen Guang Pu Electronics Co Ltd Earnings via APIs
- Latest Release 2024-06-30
- EPS/Forecast NaN
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