- Supported exchanges /
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- 6747.TWO
Brighten Optix Corporation (6747 TWO) stock market data APIs
Brighten Optix Corporation researches and develops, manufactures, and sells specialty contact lenses in Taiwan and the Asia Pacific region. The company offers hard contact lenses under HiClear and Soclear brands; soft contact lenses under Brio+moist, iDealsoft, and MyOKvision names; contact lens care potion under the Oxy vision plus Briomoist and Mu likang brands; and other ancillary products, as well as night-wear orthokeratology hard contact lenses. Brighten Optix Corporation is based in Taipei, Taiwan.
Brighten Optix Corporation Financial Data Overview
151.5 | |
149.5 | |
- | |
151.5 | |
148 | |
140-198 | |
4 121 M | |
21.7049 | |
27 200 K | |
751 M | |
2.04 | |
0.0355 | |
0.327 |
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Brighten Optix Corporation Fundamental Data is available in our Financial Data APIs
- Net Revenue 751 M
- EBITDA 222 M
- Earnings Per Share 6.98
- Income Statements
- Balance Sheets
- Cash flows
of Fundamental API Data
Get Brighten Optix Corporation Earnings via APIs
- Latest Release 2024-05-09
- EPS/Forecast 2.49
Get Brighten Optix Corporation End-of-day Data via APIs
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