- Supported exchanges /
- TWO /
- 8044.TWO
PChome Online (8044 TWO) stock market data APIs
PChome Online Inc. engages in the provision of e-commerce, digital finance, and portal services in China and internationally. It operates through E-Commerce-Sales, Market Place, and Other segments. The company operates PChome 24h Shopping/PChome Online Shopping, which are B2C online shopping platforms; PChome eBay, a C2C auction platform; PChome Store, a B2B2C store opening platform; PChome Travel, a travel e-commerce platform; MiTCH, a fashion selection e-commerce; PChome Global, Bibian, and PChomeSEA, which are cross-border e-commerce platforms; Pi Wallet for mobile payment; PChomePay for third-party payment; PChome Interpay for electronic payment; as well as e-Insure and 21st Century Technology for FinTech. It is also involved in the telecommunications businesses, magazine publications, international trade and investment activities, travel agency businesses, information services, transportation and logistics, clothing sales, information processing and provision of electronic information, online payment processing services, internet services, and digital finance services. PChome Online Inc. was incorporated in 1998 and is headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan.
PChome Online Financial Data Overview
29.7 | |
30 | |
- | |
30.1 | |
29.7 | |
26.9-49.8 | |
4 239 M | |
143 M | |
39 897 M | |
-0.75 | |
0.554 |
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PChome Online Fundamental Data is available in our Financial Data APIs
- Net Revenue 39 897 M
- EBITDA -281 412 000
- Earnings Per Share -4.64
- Income Statements
- Balance Sheets
- Cash flows
of Fundamental API Data
Get PChome Online Earnings via APIs
- Latest Release 2024-08-13
- EPS/Forecast -0.92
Get PChome Online End-of-day Data via APIs
- End of Day, Intraday and Live APIs
- Splits
- Dividends
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