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Burnham Holdings Inc (BURCA PINK) stock market data APIs

$14.1 0(0%) as of December 12, 2024
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Burnham Holdings, Inc. designs, manufactures, and sells boilers and related heating, ventilation, and air conditioning products and accessories for residential, commercial, and industrial applications in the United States and internationally. Its residential hydronic heating products include cast iron, stainless steel, and steel boilers; cast iron and steel heat distribution products; radiators; and warm air furnaces and central air conditioning systems for the residential heating and cooling markets, including units for the manufactured housing industry. The company's commercial and industrial heating products comprise a range of cast iron, stainless steel, fire tube, water tube, copper tube boilers, and water heaters; and boiler room accessories that are used for various applications, such as military bases, multi-unit residential buildings, health care, government, education, and hospital facilities. The company sells its residential products through wholesale distributors to builders, heating contractors, fuel dealers, and utilities for resale to end-use customers; and commercial products primarily through independent sales representatives, directly to contractors, or end users. Burnham Holdings, Inc. is based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Burnham Holdings Inc Financial Data Overview

46 221 K
3 349 K
258 M
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General: {
Code: 'BURCA',
Type: 'Common Stock',
Name: 'Burnham Holdings Inc',
Exchange: 'PINK',
CurrencyCode: 'USD',
CurrencyName: 'US Dollar',
CurrencySymbol: '$',
CountryName: 'USA',
CountryISO: 'US',
OpenFigi: 'BBG000BDXQC1',
CIK: '1189727',
EmployerIdNumber: '',
FiscalYearEnd: 'December',
InternationalDomestic: 'Domestic',
Sector: 'Industrials',
Industry: 'Building Products & Equipment',
HomeCategory: NULL,
IsDelisted: false,

Burnham Holdings Inc Fundamental Data is available in our Financial Data APIs

  • Net Revenue 258 M
  • EBITDA 20 230 K
  • Earnings Per Share 2.41
  • Income Statements
  • Balance Sheets
  • Cash flows
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of Fundamental API Data

Get Burnham Holdings Inc Earnings via APIs

  • Latest Release 2024-10-24
  • EPS/Forecast NaN

Get Burnham Holdings Inc End-of-day Data via APIs

  • End of Day, Intraday and Live APIs
  • Splits
  • Dividends
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