Fomento Económico Mexicano S.A.B. de C.V (FMXUF PINK) stock market data APIs

$8.76 0(0%)
as of January 10, 2025

Fomento Económico Mexicano S.A.B. de C.V Financial Data Overview

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Fomento Económico Mexicano, S.A.B. de C.V., through its subsidiaries, operates as a bottler of Coca-Cola trademark beverages. The company produces, markets, and distributes Coca-Cola trademark beverages in Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay. It also operates small-box retail chain stores in Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Chile, and Brazil under the OXXO name; retail service stations for fuels, motor oils, lubricants, and car care products under the OXXO GAS name in Mexico; and drugstores in Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico under the Cruz Verde, Fybeca, SanaSana, YZA, La Moderna, and Farmacon names. In addition, the company is involved in the production and distribution of collers, commercial refrigeration equipment, plastic boxes, food processing, and preservation and weighing equipment; and provision of logistic transportation, distribution and maintenance, point-of-sale refrigeration, and plastics solutions, as well as distribution platform for cleaning products and consumables. Further, it operates small-box retail and food convenience chain stores in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands under the k kiosk, Brezelkönig, BackWerk, Ditsch, Press & Books, avec, Caffè Spettacolo, and ok.") names, as well as pretzels under the Ditsch name. The company was founded in 1890 and is based in Monterrey, Mexico.

Prev. Close 8.76
Open 8.76
Volume 0
High 8.76
Low 8.76
52 wk Range 8.44-14.7873
Market Cap 149 241 M
P/E Ratio 25.7647
Shares Outstanding 2 161 M
Revenue 755 747 M
EPS 0.0871
Dividends (Yield) 0.0824
Beta 0.386

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  • Net Revenue: 755 747 M
  • EBITDA: 64 872 M
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