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First Au Limited (FRSAF PINK) stock market data APIs
First Au Limited Financial Data Overview
First Au Limited explores for gold and base metal deposits in Western Australia and Victoria. The company holds 100% interests in the Gimlet gold project located in the northwest of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia; and the Victorian Gold project. It also has an agreement to acquire 100% interests in the Kasepaarada Lithium project consists of 6 granted prospecting licenses covering an area of approximately 898 square kilometers located in the northwest of Accra, Ghana. First Au Limited was incorporated in 1960 and is based in Balwyn, Australia.
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Get First Au Limited Fundamental Data
First Au Limited Fundamental data includes:
- Net Revenue: -76 818
- EBITDA: -1 277 304
- Earnings Per Share: 0
- Income Statements
- Balance Sheets
- Cash flows
Plans with Fundamental data
Starting from
End-of-day & Earnings data
What’s included:
- Latest Release: 2025-01-29
- EPS/Forecast: NaN
What’s included:
- End of Day, Intraday and Live APIs
- Splits
- Dividends
First Au Limited News
Keynotes, Educational Panels and 88 Companies to Present at the Planet MicroCap Showcase on May 3-5, 2022 at Bally's Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV
LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / April 27, 2022 / SNN Network presents the Planet MicroCap Showcase taking place on May 3-5, 2022, where 88 MicroCap public and private companies will be presenting at Ba...
Keynotes, Educational Panels and 60 Companies to Present at the SNN Network Summer Virtual Event on August 17-19, 2021
LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / August 16, 2021 / The SNN Network Summer Virtual Event will take place on August 17-19, 2021, where 60 SmallCap, MicroCap and NanoCap public and private companies will b...
Or get access to advanced financial data starting only $19.99
- Flexibility: No long-term commitments, just a minimum of one month
- Instant access: Get your API key and instructions within seconds of subscribing
- Price stability: Locked-in rates for subscribed users, never changing
What’s included:
- API Calls per Day: 100 000/day
- API Requests per Min.: 1000/minute
- Type of Usage: Personal use
Data access:
Historical EOD, Fundamental, Real-Time, Intraday, Live (Delayed), Technical & Screener APIs, News Feed, 40 000 Stock Logos and many more. See a full list.