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For The Earth Corp (FTEG PINK) stock market data APIs

$0.0001 0(0%) as of November 1, 2024
Price chart is built with Anychart

For the Earth Corporation manufactures and sells consumable household products in the United States and internationally. The company provides a range of laundry detergents, household cleansers, fabric softeners, dryer sheets, dishwashing detergents, and other cleaning products under its own and private label in retail chains. It also provides Litter To Go, a disposable cat litter box made from corrugated material that contains ready-to-use litter; and What Odor", a biodegradable and non-toxic odor-eliminating spray, as well as other pet supplies, including treats and toys, stylish feeders, and odor/stain-eliminating solutions. For the Earth Corporation sells its products to retail customers; industrial customers comprising hotel, nursing homes, restaurants, and professional sports teams; and direct-to consumers. The company was formerly known as Medjet Inc. and changed its name to For the Earth Corporation in January 2011. For the Earth Corporation was founded in 1993 and is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona.

For The Earth Corp Financial Data Overview

3 702 K
37 025 M
688 K
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General: {
Code: 'FTEG',
Type: 'Common Stock',
Name: 'For The Earth Corp',
Exchange: 'PINK',
CurrencyCode: 'USD',
CurrencyName: 'US Dollar',
CurrencySymbol: '$',
CountryName: 'USA',
CountryISO: 'US',
OpenFigi: 'BBG000HPQBH4',
CIK: '932265',
EmployerIdNumber: NULL,
FiscalYearEnd: 'December',
InternationalDomestic: NULL,
Sector: 'Healthcare',
Industry: 'Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic',
HomeCategory: NULL,
IsDelisted: false,

For The Earth Corp Fundamental Data is available in our Financial Data APIs

  • Net Revenue 688 K
  • EBITDA -576 534
  • Earnings Per Share 0
  • Income Statements
  • Balance Sheets
  • Cash flows
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of Fundamental API Data

Get For The Earth Corp Earnings via APIs

  • Latest Release 2022-09-30
  • EPS/Forecast NaN

Get For The Earth Corp End-of-day Data via APIs

  • End of Day, Intraday and Live APIs
  • Splits
  • Dividends
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