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Grupo Industrial Saltillo S.A.B. de C.V (GISSAA MX) stock market data APIs
Grupo Industrial Saltillo S.A.B. de C.V Financial Data Overview
Grupo Industrial Saltillo, S.A.B. de C.V., through its subsidiaries, engages in the design, manufacture, sale, and marketing of auto parts and housewares in Mexico, Europe, and Asia. It operates through Auto Parts and Home segments. The company offers gray and ductile iron, and aluminum components for automotive systems, including brakes, engines, and chassis. It also provides kitchen and tableware items for domestic and institutional use. The company sells its products under the Draxton and Cinsa brands. Grupo Industrial Saltillo, S.A.B. de C.V. was founded in 1928 and is based in Saltillo, Mexico.
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Get Grupo Industrial Saltillo S.A.B. de C.V Fundamental Data
Grupo Industrial Saltillo S.A.B. de C.V Fundamental data includes:
- Net Revenue: 1 019 M
- EBITDA: 129 M
- Earnings Per Share: 0
- Income Statements
- Balance Sheets
- Cash flows
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End-of-day & Earnings data
What’s included:
- Latest Release: 2024-10-17
- EPS/Forecast: NaN
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Grupo Industrial Saltillo S.A.B. de C.V News
Grupo Gicsa Reports Double-Digit Growth in Fixed Rental Revenues and NOI
MEXICO CITY, MEXICO / ACCESSWIRE / October 26, 2023 / GRUPO GICSA, S.A.B. DE C.V. ("GICSA" or "GICSAB.MX") (BMV:GICSA), owner of 17 income-generating properties, comprised of eleven shopping malls, fi...
Borderlands: More Investment, Manufacturing Jobs For Mexico
Borderlands is a weekly rundown of developments in the world of United States-Mexico cross-border trucking and trade. This week: More investment, manufacturing jobs for Mexico; new 3,000-acre logistic...
Edited Transcript of GISSAA.MX earnings conference call or presentation 4-May-20 4:00pm GMT
Q1 2020 Grupo Industrial Saltillo SAB de CV Earnings Call Saltillo, Coahuila, May 22, 2020 (Thomson StreetEvents) -- Edited Transcript of Grupo Industrial Saltillo SAB de CV earnings conference call o...
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- API Calls per Day: 100 000/day
- API Requests per Min.: 1000/minute
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