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Gielda Papierow Wartosciowych w Warszawie SA (GPW WAR) stock market data APIs
Gielda Papierow Wartosciowych w Warszawie SA Financial Data Overview
Gielda Papierów Wartosciowych w Warszawie S.A., together with its subsidiaries, operates a stock exchange in Poland. It operates through Financial, Commodity, and Other segments. The company trades in equities; equity-related financial instruments; other cash markets instruments, such as structured products, investment certificates, and exchange traded fund units; derivatives; corporate, municipal, co-operative, treasury, and mortgage bonds; debt instruments; and agricultural commodities, as well as provides listing and information services. It offers market operator and balancing services to electricity traders, producers, and industrial customers; trade operator and balancing entity services; WIBID and WIBOR benchmark calculation and distribution services; capital market education, promotion, and information activities; and training services, as well as leases and maintains office space. In addition, the company trades in electricity, natural gas, property rights in certificates of origin of electricity, and CO2 emission allowances, as well as engages in the operation of the Register of Certificates of Origin of electricity and the Register of Guarantees of Origin. Further, it operates as an exchange settlement system for transactions in exchange-traded commodities. The company operates in various markets, such as GPW Main Market, NewConnect, Catalyst, and Treasury BondSpot Poland, as well as the markets operated by Towarowa Gielda Energii S.A. and InfoEngine S.A. Gielda Papierów Wartosciowych w Warszawie S.A. was incorporated in 1991 and is based in Warsaw, Poland.
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Get Gielda Papierow Wartosciowych w Warszawie SA Fundamental Data
Gielda Papierow Wartosciowych w Warszawie SA Fundamental data includes:
- Net Revenue: 467 M
- EBITDA: 150 M
- Earnings Per Share: 3
- Income Statements
- Balance Sheets
- Cash flows
Plans with Fundamental data
Starting from
End-of-day & Earnings data
Get Gielda Papierow Wartosciowych w Warszawie SA Earnings data
What’s included:
- Latest Release: 2024-11-07
- EPS/Forecast: NaN
Get Gielda Papierow Wartosciowych w Warszawie SA End-of-day data
EOD Historical Data package for
What’s included:
- End of Day, Intraday and Live APIs
- Splits
- Dividends
Or get access to advanced financial data starting only $19.99
- Flexibility: No long-term commitments, just a minimum of one month
- Instant access: Get your API key and instructions within seconds of subscribing
- Price stability: Locked-in rates for subscribed users, never changing
What’s included:
- API Calls per Day: 100 000/day
- API Requests per Min.: 1000/minute
- Type of Usage: Personal use
Data access:
Historical EOD, Fundamental, Real-Time, Intraday, Live (Delayed), Technical & Screener APIs, News Feed, 40 000 Stock Logos and many more. See a full list.