Inti Bangun Sejahtera Tbk (IBST JK) stock market data APIs

Rp4980 0(0%)
as of January 23, 2025

Inti Bangun Sejahtera Tbk Financial Data Overview

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PT Inti Bangun Sejahtera Tbk provides telecommunication network services in the information, communication, and technology (ITC) sector in Indonesia. The company constructs, rents, and maintains telecommunication towers and infrastructures, as well as fiber optic networks at outdoor and indoor clusters in integrated commercial and residential areas; and provides collocation services, which is leasing spaces for Base Transceiver System (BTS) utilizing owned towers. It also offers BTS Hotel, a solution to provide and lease telecommunication infrastructure in limited space; Microcell Pole, a package of solutions to provide and lease microcell pole (MCP) infrastructure in an area or town limited to local regulations; and Microcell Pole with fiber optic that offers integrated MCP infrastructure using an interconnected fiber optic network as the transmission media. In addition, the company provides Cluster Based, an integrated solution that offers wireless service inside and outside of buildings for commercial and business superblock districts; Leased Core, a solution for improving interconnectivity using fiber optic to increase the data rate capability and stability; and Local Loop, a solution offered in the form of bandwidth capacity to connect data services from one location to another. Further, it offers internet interconnection, SMS content, and multimedia services; and is involved in data processing, consulting management activities, and real estate property rental, as well as civil, mechanical, and electrical works. PT Inti Bangun Sejahtera Tbk was founded in 2006 and is headquartered in Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia. As of July 1, 2024, PT Inti Bangun Sejahtera Tbk operates as a subsidiary of PT iForte Solusi Infotek.

Prev. Close 4980
Open 4980
Volume 300
High 4980
Low 4980
52 wk Range 4000-6900
Market Cap 7 261 087 M
Shares Outstanding 1 351 M
Revenue 920 256 M
EPS 15.7893
Beta -0.043

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  • Net Revenue: 920 256 M
  • EBITDA: 446 250 M
  • Earnings Per Share: -1 486
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