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Luna Innovations Incorporated (LUNA NASDAQ) stock market data APIs

$1.73 -0.32(-15.6%) as of December 26, 2024
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Luna Innovations Incorporated provides fiber optic test, measurement, and control products worldwide. The company offers test and measurement equipment for fiber optic components and sub-assemblies; polarization control products, including components, modules, and instruments to measure, manage, and control polarization and group delay in fiber optic networks; tunable lasers; and single frequency lasers. It also provides ODiSI sensing solution, which provides distributed strain and temperature measurements; distributed temperature sensing system; hyperion sensing products; Terahertz Sensing Systems that provide precise single and multi-layer thickness, density, basis weight, and caliper thickness measurements; and distributed acoustic sensing products. The company primarily markets its fiber optic test, measurement, and control products to telecommunications companies, defense agencies, government system integrators, researchers, original equipment manufacturers, distributors, testing labs, and strategic partners directly, as well as through manufacturer representative organizations, partner and distribution channels, technical sales engineers, value added resellers, and independent sales representatives. Luna Innovations Incorporated was incorporated in 1990 and is headquartered in Roanoke, Virginia.

Luna Innovations Incorporated Financial Data Overview

56 209 K
34 697 K
117 M
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General: {
Code: 'LUNA',
Type: 'Common Stock',
Name: 'Luna Innovations Incorporated',
Exchange: 'NASDAQ',
CurrencyCode: 'USD',
CurrencyName: 'US Dollar',
CurrencySymbol: '$',
CountryName: 'USA',
CountryISO: 'US',
OpenFigi: 'BBG000GP4ZR5',
CIK: '1239819',
EmployerIdNumber: '54-1560050',
FiscalYearEnd: 'December',
IPODate: '2006-06-02',
InternationalDomestic: 'Domestic',
Sector: 'Technology',
Industry: 'Scientific & Technical Instruments',
HomeCategory: 'Domestic',
IsDelisted: false,

Luna Innovations Incorporated Fundamental Data is available in our Financial Data APIs

  • Net Revenue 117 M
  • EBITDA 6 895 K
  • Earnings Per Share -0.03
  • Income Statements
  • Balance Sheets
  • Cash flows
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Get Luna Innovations Incorporated Earnings via APIs

  • Latest Release 2023-11-14
  • EPS/Forecast 0.07

Get Luna Innovations Incorporated End-of-day Data via APIs

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