Médica Sur S.A.B. de C.V (MEDICAB MX) stock market data APIs

₱33.6 0(0%)
as of January 16, 2025

Médica Sur S.A.B. de C.V Financial Data Overview

Price chart is built with Anychart

Médica Sur, S.A.B. de C.V. operates as a healthcare hospital in Mexico. The company offers angiology, vascular, and endovascular surgery; bariatric surgery; cancer; cardiology; checkup and preventive medicine; children; dental; emergency; endocrinology; gastroenterology, hepatology, and endoscopy; general surgery; geriatric; and gynecology and obstetrics services. It also provides specialized surgery; neonatology; neurology, neurosurgery, and gamma knife radiosurgery; neurophysiology; nuclear medicine; orthopedic and traumatology; outpatient surgery; plastic surgery; robotic surgery; spine microsurgery; transplant; urology; vascular disease; and imagine and MRI unit services. In addition, the company offers accommodation; concierge; digital hospital and telemedicine; gourmet; assistance in paperwork and filing procedures with insurer; and tour and transportation services. Further, it provides medical services and diagnosis. The company was incorporated in 1966 and is based in Mexico City, Mexico. Médica Sur, S.A.B. de C.V. is a subsidiary of Neuco, SAPI de CV.

Prev. Close 33.6
Open 33.6
Volume 355
High 33.6
Low 33.6
52 wk Range 27.3-41.3915
Market Cap 3 217 M
P/E Ratio 9.683
Shares Outstanding 95 740 K
Revenue 4 304 M
EPS 1.5198
Dividends (Yield) 0.0444
Beta 0.509

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Médica Sur S.A.B. de C.V Fundamental data includes:

  • Net Revenue: 4 304 M
  • EBITDA: 667 M
  • Earnings Per Share: 3
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  • Cash flows

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  • Latest Release: 2024-09-30
  • EPS/Forecast: NaN

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  • API Calls per Day: 100 000/day
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