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Make To Win Holding PCL (MTW BK) stock market data APIs
Make To Win Holding Public Company Limited engages in the manufacture and distribution of finished clothes in Thailand, Taiwan, Myanmar, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Nigeria. It offers T-shirts, polo shirts, V-neck shirts, tanks, long sleeve shirts, and sleeveless shirts. The company sells its products under the Noble Sport, Anoko, Over Bick'C, S-Sport, Super Kool, and Evolution brand names. It is also involved in the manufacture and distribution of electric motorcycles. The company was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Nakhon Pathom, Thailand.
Make To Win Holding PCL Financial Data Overview
1.26 | |
1.33 | |
- | |
1.35 | |
1.26 | |
0.92-3.04 | |
883 M | |
32.75 | |
674 M | |
441 M | |
-0.0088 | |
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Make To Win Holding PCL Fundamental Data is available in our Financial Data APIs
- Net Revenue 441 M
- EBITDA 65 016 K
- Earnings Per Share 0.04
- Income Statements
- Balance Sheets
- Cash flows
of Fundamental API Data
Get Make To Win Holding PCL Earnings via APIs
- Latest Release 2024-06-30
- EPS/Forecast NaN
Get Make To Win Holding PCL End-of-day Data via APIs
- End of Day, Intraday and Live APIs
- Splits
- Dividends
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