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Nephros Inc (NEPH NASDAQ) stock market data APIs

$1.4767 0.02(1.4%) as of November 1, 2024
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Nephros, Inc., a commercial-stage company, develops and sells water solutions to the medical and commercial markets in the United States. It offers ultrafiltration products that are used in dialysis centers for the removal of biological contaminants from water and bicarbonate concentrate; and in hospitals for the prevention of infection from waterborne pathogens, such as legionella and pseudomonas, as well as in military and outdoor recreation, commercial, and other healthcare facilities. The company also manufactures and sells water filters that enhance the taste and odor of water, as well as reduce biofilm, cysts, particulates, and scale build-up in downstream equipment. It markets its products to food service, hospitality, convenience store, and health care markets, as well as medical institutions. The company was incorporated in 1997 and is headquartered in South Orange, New Jersey.

Nephros Inc Financial Data Overview

15 289 K
10 544 K
13 770 K
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General: {
Code: 'NEPH',
Type: 'Common Stock',
Name: 'Nephros Inc',
Exchange: 'NASDAQ',
CurrencyCode: 'USD',
CurrencyName: 'US Dollar',
CurrencySymbol: '$',
CountryName: 'USA',
CountryISO: 'US',
OpenFigi: 'BBG000NXRTF2',
CIK: '1196298',
EmployerIdNumber: '13-3971809',
FiscalYearEnd: 'December',
IPODate: '2004-09-21',
InternationalDomestic: 'Domestic',
Sector: 'Healthcare',
Industry: 'Medical Instruments & Supplies',
HomeCategory: 'Domestic',
IsDelisted: false,

Nephros Inc Fundamental Data is available in our Financial Data APIs

  • Net Revenue 13 770 K
  • EBITDA -1 193 000
  • Earnings Per Share -0.12
  • Income Statements
  • Balance Sheets
  • Cash flows
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Get Nephros Inc Earnings via APIs

  • Latest Release 2024-08-08
  • EPS/Forecast -0.01

Get Nephros Inc End-of-day Data via APIs

  • End of Day, Intraday and Live APIs
  • Splits
  • Dividends
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