Nusa Raya Cipta Tbk (NRCA JK) stock market data APIs

Rp350 2(0.6%)
as of January 16, 2025

Nusa Raya Cipta Tbk Financial Data Overview

Price chart is built with Anychart

PT Nusa Raya Cipta Tbk provides construction services to commercial building and infrastructure in Indonesia. The company constructs hotels and resorts, office buildings, apartments, hospitals, malls, schools, and shopping centers and factories. It is also involved in construction; wholesale and retail; car and motorcycle repair and maintenance; processing industry; transportation and warehousing; finance and insurance; real estate sector; provision of accommodation and food and beverage; rental and leasing with operating lease; employment; travel agent and other supporting businesses; professional, scientific, and technical activities; arts, entertainment and recreation activities; agriculture, forestry, and fisheries business; and information and communication business. The company was founded in 1968 and is headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia. PT Nusa Raya Cipta Tbk is a subsidiary of PT Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk.

Prev. Close 348
Open 350
Volume 186 K
High 352
Low 348
52 wk Range 295.8683-454
Market Cap 845 978 M
P/E Ratio 8.3333
Shares Outstanding 2 417 M
Revenue 3 428 355 M
EPS 10.1308
Dividends (Yield) 0.0829
Beta 0.388

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Nusa Raya Cipta Tbk Fundamental data includes:

  • Net Revenue: 3 428 355 M
  • EBITDA: 209 443 M
  • Earnings Per Share: 42
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  • Cash flows

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  • Latest Release: 2023-08-01
  • EPS/Forecast: NaN

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