Promotora y Operadora de Infraestructura S. A. B. de C. V (PINFRA MX) stock market data APIs

₱181.3 -0.61(-0.3%)
as of January 17, 2025

Promotora y Operadora de Infraestructura S. A. B. de C. V Financial Data Overview

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Promotora y Operadora de Infraestructura, S. A. B. de C. V. engages in the construction, operation, maintenance, financing, and promotion of infrastructure projects in Mexico. Its projects include heavy construction projects, such as toll roads, ports, tunnels, dams, bridges, airports, and railways; industrial construction projects comprising petrochemical, industrial, wastewater treatment, and power generating plants; and urban construction projects, such as parking lots, museums, parks, education centers, buildings, water systems, public transportation systems, landfills, and hospitals. The company produces various asphalt concretes; basalt aggregates, including gravel, sand, seal, ballast, hydraulic base, sub-base, and tepetate; and central guard rails for roads, and various other precast concrete materials, as well as exploits stone aggregates. In addition, the company provides services, such as reception, storage, and shipment of goods; hauling or transfer of goods; loading and unloading ships; container filling and emptying; general cargo storage; and mooring and unmooring of ropes, as well as foreign trade merchandise handling, storage, and custody services. The company was founded in 1969 and is based in Mexico City, Mexico.

Prev. Close 181.91
Open 181.3
Volume 160 K
High 183.54
Low 180.76
52 wk Range 157.8438-196.62
Market Cap 66 760 M
P/E Ratio 9.3239
Shares Outstanding 326 M
Revenue 17 807 M
EPS 6.28
Dividends (Yield) 0.0292
Beta 0.706

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