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USA Recycling Industries Inc (USRI PINK) stock market data APIs
USA Recycling Industries, Inc. engages in the ownership, operation, and licensing of specialty recycling service centers primarily in North America. The company is involved in the collection of recyclable materials, such as scrap metals, used tires, used motor oil, and used batteries; provision of disposal services for other auto-related waste streams generated by the automotive service center industry; and sale of recyclable waste to end-user consumers. It provides specialty recycling programs to approximately 4,000 automotive service center locations; and services to various national automotive service center chain-store operations. The company also offers used motor oil and related lubricants to end users, including small to medium sized fuel blenders and refineries, as well as automotive and manufacturing markets. It has working relationships with customers operating in the steel production, tire recycling, used motor oil re-refinery, and battery production industries. The company is based in Reading, Pennsylvania.
USA Recycling Industries Inc Financial Data Overview
0.0013 | |
0.0013 | |
- | |
0.0013 | |
0.0013 | |
0.0013-0.0014 | |
569 K | |
438 M | |
8 086 K | |
0 | |
-4.376 |
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USA Recycling Industries Inc Fundamental Data is available in our Financial Data APIs
- Net Revenue 8 086 K
- Earnings Per Share -0.03
- Income Statements
- Balance Sheets
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of Fundamental API Data
Get USA Recycling Industries Inc Earnings via APIs
- Latest Release 2019-12-31
- EPS/Forecast NaN
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