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Yen Bai Industry Mineral JSC (YBM VN) stock market data APIs
Yen Bai Industry Mineral Joint Stock Company engages in extracting, manufacturing, and processing of calcium carbonate powder products in Vietnam. It offers uncoated calcium carbonate powder and stearic acid coated calcium carbonate powder products. The company's products are applied in the cosmetic industry, as well as used as filler and extensor in products of paint, plastic, paper, rubber, and other applications. It is also serving international markets, such as Germany, Russia, India, South Korea, Bangladesh, China, and Indonesia. The company is based in Yen-bai, Vietnam.
Yen Bai Industry Mineral JSC Financial Data Overview
11850 | |
11900 | |
- | |
11900 | |
11850 | |
7733.4842-11950 | |
0 | |
0 | |
50 922 M | |
375.2578 | |
0.0422 | |
0.295 |
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Yen Bai Industry Mineral JSC Fundamental Data is available in our Financial Data APIs
- Net Revenue 50 922 M
- EBITDA 20 514 M
- Earnings Per Share
- Income Statements
- Balance Sheets
- Cash flows
of Fundamental API Data
Get Yen Bai Industry Mineral JSC Earnings via APIs
- Latest Release 2024-06-30
- EPS/Forecast NaN
Get Yen Bai Industry Mineral JSC End-of-day Data via APIs
- End of Day, Intraday and Live APIs
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- Dividends
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