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Zaklady Urzadzen Kotlowych Staporkow SA (ZUK WAR) stock market data APIs
Zaklady Urzadzen Kotlowych Staporkow SA Financial Data Overview
Zaklady Urzadzen Kotlowych Staporków S.A. operates as a general contractor for the projects in industrial, heat, and electric power industry. It provides air purifying systems, which include two-stage dedusting systems, such as multi-cyclone deduster and cyclone batteries; Cyclone filters, to remove dust from stoker primarily from coal-fired power boilers; bag filters for used in the energy industry; and systems for desulfurization and denitrification of flue gas cleaning, as well as modernization of the existing dedusting installations. The company also offers scraper conveyors, including slags removal conveyors; screw conveyors; belt conveyors, suspended scraper conveyors, and deslaggers for electrical power industry; mechanical grates, which include heavy, light, and stepped grate stokers; and steel structures, including absorbers, silos, support structures, and panel formwork systems and a big-dimension constructions for building engineering, as well as stokers for co-combustion of coal and biomass. In addition, it is involved in the construction of heat exchangers, reactors, scrubbers, absorbers, scraper conveyors, machines and devices, spiral stairs, service platforms, barriers, ladders, moulders, reducers, silos, chutes, tanks, troughs, steel canals, canals of air, canals of fumes, canals of technological systems, in rectangle and circle section, and steel compensators, as well as devices for the transport of loose materials and supporting constructions of technological flow and piping. Zaklady Urzadzen Kotlowych Staporków S.A. was founded in 1738 and is based in Staporków, Poland.
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Get Zaklady Urzadzen Kotlowych Staporkow SA Fundamental Data
Zaklady Urzadzen Kotlowych Staporkow SA Fundamental data includes:
- Net Revenue: 36 390 K
- EBITDA: -400 000
- Earnings Per Share: 0
- Income Statements
- Balance Sheets
- Cash flows
Plans with Fundamental data
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End-of-day & Earnings data
What’s included:
- Latest Release: 2024-09-30
- EPS/Forecast: NaN
Get Zaklady Urzadzen Kotlowych Staporkow SA End-of-day data
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- End of Day, Intraday and Live APIs
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- Flexibility: No long-term commitments, just a minimum of one month
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- API Calls per Day: 100 000/day
- API Requests per Min.: 1000/minute
- Type of Usage: Personal use
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